@page.title: Gossip; @page.created: 1583938898; @page.author: Mitchell Cooper; [b]Gossip[/b] is a feature within the quiki webserver that implements decentralized [[ load balancing | wp: Load balancing (computing) ]]. Here's how it works. numlist { User edits a page either with a text editor or online with [[adminifier]].; User publishes the change to the public version of the site.; The built-in file monitor detects this change and begins serving it locally.; The built-in [[git]] agent pushes this change to a remote.; Gossip notifies other servers within the load balancing pool that new changes have been published.; Other servers fetch the latest from the remote.; Other servers begin serving the updated content.; } This allows very simple and thoughtless load balancing. Make the changes [i]once[/i]; let the Gossip spread to take care of the rest. $button { text: Get started; link: /get-started; }