@page.title: adminifier; @page.created: 1583938898; @page.author: Mitchell Cooper; infobox [adminifier] { image { file: adminifier.png; alt: adminifier screenshot; }; Type: Website administration panel; Developers: [[ Mitchell Cooper | https://mitchellcooper.me ]]; Written in: [[ Go | wp: Go (programming language) ]]; License: [[ ISC | wp: ISC license ]]; Repository: [[ adminifier on GitHub | https://github.com/cooper/quiki/tree/master/adminifier ]]; } [b]adminifier[/b] is quiki's optional site administration panel. While quiki sites can be easily edited and administered from a command line text editor, adminifier brings this environment to the web browser and enhances it with many additional convenient features, such as list { Online page editor with sophisticated autocompletion and fillable forms to generate code; Ability to view, compare, and revert specific [[revisions | git]]; Media upload tool; Server administration panel for managing multiple sites; Role-based user management for differing authority levels; Site and server statistics; Site and server configuration editors; } [Setup] { adminifier is an optional module of the quiki webserver, but no additional setup is required. It is enabled in the default [[ configuration | doc/configuration ]] with the following: code{{ @adminifier.enable; /* whether to enable adminifier */ @adminifier.host: ; /* HTTP host for adminifier. leave blank to use all hosts */ @adminifier.root: /admin; /* HTTP root for adminifier. leave blank to use / */ }} Optionally, you may change [c]adminifier.host[/c] and [c]adminifier.root[/c] to configure the HTTP hostname and root path. } $button { text: Get started; link: /get-started; }